
Change hyperterm font
Change hyperterm font

change hyperterm font

Run the update command mentioned previously or open a new terminal session to see syntax highlighting enabled for shell commands.


zshrc file to load the spaceship prompt for every new terminal session.ħ echo "source $ /.zshrc Commands to install syntax highlighting in zsh. The command will automatically setup files on your file system as well as include some lines in the. To install spaceship prompt run npm install -g spaceship-prompt.

  • Package version (the one found in a package.json file).
  • Red prompt character when last command fails.
  • branch name, files changed, local branch out of date with remote, etc) Spaceship prompt can display the following information: Using spaceship prompt with zsh shell, you are presented with a good set of information related to the directory your located in. The prompt is the text that appears before writing out any command in the terminal. I've moved away from using oh-my-zsh as I've found that it comes along with a lot of bloat that I don't use. A lot of people like to use oh-my-zsh with Zsh since it facilitates the setup of themes as well as the addition of functionality through the oh-my-zsh plugin system. In line 15 simply add the font "Inconsolata-dz for Powerline" at the start of the array: fontFamily: '"Inconsolata-dz for Powerline", "DejaVu Sans Mono". Now that we have them installed, we need to change the default fonts for Hyper in the ~/.hyper.js. As per their instructions run the following commands to install the fonts on your Mac: # move to your home dire cd ~/ # clone % git clone -depth=1 # install % cd fonts %. Head over to the Powerline Fonts Github repo.

    change hyperterm font

    the SQUARES are still there WTF!!! Hang in there, we have one more step to take care of. open -a TextEdit ~/.minttyrcįire up that terminal one more time to see how it's looking. minttyrc file and replace its contents with these. set false to remove it wickedBorder: true, // change the colour here wickedBorderColor: '#ffc600',įinally, open up the. We can also change the border color by adding these lines right after line 52 or where is says borderColor: '#333',: // omit or set true to show. Find line 149 or where is says plugins: and type the following: plugins: , You might be asking: didn’t I just install the theme? what’s up with those squares? Well, we still need to add the hyperterm-cobalt2-theme into our plugins array in the ~/.hyper.js file. zshrc file's theme to ZSH_THEME="cobalt2" and refresh your terminal one more time ( % source ~/.zshrc). Head over to Wes Bos’ repo, copy the contents into your file and save. First, create the theme file in the following directory and then open it: % touch ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/cobalt2.zsh-theme % open -a TextEdit ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/cobalt2.zsh-theme Still want Cobalt2 huh? Well, let’s get down to it. If you are satisfied with what you see, great! Stop here and go enjoy your new terminal experience! Installing Cobalt2 Every time you run this command, or open up a new terminal, you will get a different theme! If you like what you see, notice the name of the theme that was loaded and replace it in your. Don’t like what you see? Run source ~/.zshrc and see what happens. Now open up your terminal again and you should see a different theme. In line number 12 you will see the the following text: ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell"Īnd save. In your terminal navigate to your home directory an open the. You can check out all the available themes here. Installing Themesīefore we install the Cobalt2 theme, let’s have some fun with the built in themes that Oh My Zsh installed. In case you want to hide these files again (recommended) simply press shift+command+.


    If you have installed Node, Visual Studio Code on your machine you might see some other hidden folders as well. You can check this by using your Finder window and pressing shift+command+. zshrc config file in your home directory. Excellent! The installation script has also created the.

    Change hyperterm font